Wednesday, April 26, 2017

We will miss you, Mean Lee.

Image may contain: 3 people, people sitting and outdoor

The original Nerd Trinity has been reduced to one. I promise, jackasses, I'll take care of Rotary for you. Until I too go on my next big Nerd Adventure.



Wednesday, June 22, 2011

RIP Left Eye

What happens when you listen to "Waterfalls" on repeat in your cube for 3 or more hours.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Qs You Might Ask Yourself

In the midst of a break-up, you may ask yourself the following questions:

1. What new shape would my face take if I gained 237 lbs?

2. How many cats is too many cats?

3. Is beef jerkey a food group?

4. What happens if I Google "songs that serve to further inflame the burning flesh pit in my chest where my heart used to be" ? (Unfortunately, you dont get songs, but you do get this, this and this (and this))

5. How much is "He just not that into you" on

6. Magic 8 Ball, will I ever regain my self respect? (Not Likely)

7. Why didn't I sleep with a coworker instead of my neighbor?

7.5: Why didn't I sleep with a neighbor instead of my coworker?

8. Should I consider switching teams?

9. If I have another 12.9% beer, will I pass out?

10. Is that ketchup all over my shirt, or blood?

In this dire situation, you may not have the answer to any of these questions, but its important to remember theres always one thing left that can heal you.